Texas Roadhouse CEO Kent Taylor Dies, Suffering From Symptoms Related to COVID-19, Including Severe Tinnitus

It’s too bad that Taylor could not be helped by any counseling. William Shatner is said to have been pushed to the same extreme after suffering severe tinnitus following an unexpected special effects explosion on the Star Trek set but with cognitive behavioral therapy, he learned to deal with his severe disability.

Texas Roadhouse CEO Kent Taylor dies by suicide amid COVID-19 struggles | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (post-gazette.com)

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How horrible!

A long term solution… How sad.

I lost a son that was suffering a perfect storm in 2018. The survivors never completely recover.


If the man could have just came to this forum things may have been different.
He was not alone.


I wonder if such a high-profile event will have an impact on awareness of tinnitus or if it will just pass by in the flow of news. When “the comfortable” (in this case, a CEO) are “afflicted” then things tend to be taken more seriously among their peers, at least for a little while.

The literature has many references to folks whose tinnitus causes significant psychological distress.

A reminder, I suppose, to be thankful if one’s own ever-present buzz and whirr is generally just an annoying constant companion that hasn’t lead one to consider self-harm.

But if you’re reading this and in distress, please know that help is available. Your brain can be taught to “tune out” some of the buzz, especially if your tinnitus is new. The media casually said that Taylor’s tinnitus “contributed” to his suicide but no doubt the real story was complex. Please don’t give up on yourself. Talk to a trusted friend or a suicide hotline in your area.


Found an actual Research Study done prior to this recent tragedy, which may motivate more study. One year on: an updated systematic review of SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and audio-vestibular symptoms — Research Explorer The University of Manchester

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