Signia Connexx software

Newbie here!

About to get my first HA’s
a set of Signia Silk 7ix and would like to try programming so need the Connexx software if possible?

Also will i need to get a NoahLink?



Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, great your giving DIY a go it’s all pretty easy enough, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, check your PM.

I would be Happy ti Greg the download link
Best regards

Thanks for the download.

Having problems installing on Windows 10

Keep getting an exception error!

Tells me a newer version of Windows is needed!

I have Win 10 Version 22H2

Do I need Windows 11?

Any ideas please?

Don’t think so, I use win10 without issues, are you installing in “standalone mode” turn off antivirus as this sometimes throws an exception.
Got any screenshots of the issue.

Can I also please get a link to the Connexx download? Thanks.

Welcome to the forum, sure, but you’ll need the Noahlink wireless for any DIY project.
Do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, especially the videos.

Virus checker switched off

Screen shots attached


Yeah I haven’t seen that “newer version” of windows needed before, but I noticed your having the issue of extracting the zip file, you do need to extract in full before being able to install, try another unzipper I use WinZip.
If your still having issues I’ll send you an older version of Connexx to see if that solves it.

That version loaded ok but got this error message from the Signia Connexx software

Any Windows gurus on here that could give me a solution?

I’m stuck as my main PC is Apple but running the Connexx software on a Windows laptop

You can just ignore the warning, I get that on my older laptops as well, haven’t seen or noticed the App.ini before tho.
Connexx still runs if a minimum requirement isn’t met.

Thank you so much for the link and the help! Where can one find the best user guide for the connexx software? Programming the Signia AX…
Update: I found the 12 page PDF user guide. That is probably enough… Again, thanks for all the help. I see that I do need the Noahlink to make it work. My Signia 3AX. Love the HAs BTW, they are super. I inherited them from a relative who unfortunately died recently. Just need to reprogram them.

The manual mentions remote programming. So, can I program the 3AX without the noahlink?

Remote support is offered through the App, needs to be set up in Connexx software, just get the Noahlink wireless and do it that way, not everything can be done remotely.

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Hi, tenkan. I may have posted this in a couple places. But I see this is the thread where you helped me get the connexx and SiFit sofware. I need a more recent version apparently. My Signia AX HAs are not listed in this version. Can you help?

No problem all done now for you.

Hi Tenkan, at first: thank you for your engagement. Maybe there is a new Version out. My current Version does not work with the new Signia Charge&Go IX. Can you send me a new Connexx Version.
Thank You, Hans

Hi Hans, sure I can, but you should be able to update using the “update manager” you’ll find it in the system tray, right click on it and force it to check for the latest version.

Does the Connexx software work with my Signia Pure Charge & Go 3X aids? If so, I would greatly appreciate a link for download! I know I need the Noahlink device. Thanks in advance for any & all info!

Welcome to the forum, yes it sure does, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting them up the first time.