Phonak Lumity: Charging / Removing from Charging / Auto-On /Auto-Off

Hi all - I am appx 2 months in with my Phonak Audeo L-R L90’s - I believe they’re actually Lumity aids.

I tend to use my aids from Lunch Time until I go to bed, at which point I charge them overnight. In the morning, I switch off the Charger and take the aids, still inside, to my living room. They are currently set to “Auto-On” but precisely when should they turn on - a. at the point when the charger is turned off b. when they are removed from the Charger in the off-state c. when they are removed from the Charger in the on-state ?

Totally confusing. The reason I’m asking is that these represent my second pair as the first ones had to be returned because the Right aid, which had been set as the Bluetooth one needed to be Reset very regularly. They had been set to "Auto-Off. My Audiologist changed the Bluetooth to the Left Aid on my current pair and set them to “Auto-ON”, the reason being so she can determine if the original aids had been affected by my behaviour or switching them to “Auto-Off”. I have a session with her a week from today and I’d like to know what procedure I should adopt for my preferred usage please. I am new to re-chargeables but love them really. I’m entering the second week with the replacements and so far haven’t had to reset either of the aids once.

Also I use MyPhonak with my Samsung S21 - it works perfectly. But whether or not I minimise the app or not or whether I place my phone into standby, the app always calls on me to Login when going back in, despite having ticked “Keep Logged In”. Very irritating. Any thoughts here too would be appreciated. Thanks

If you have the Go charger, which has its own internal battery, then they will auto-on when you remove them from the charger so long as the charger battery is holding a charge. If you have the charger that does NOT have its own battery (the “life” charger?), then they will auto-on when you unplug the charger.

I’ve never seen that constant log-in request. I don’t think you even need an account to use the app if you aren’t using the health tracking features, so if you aren’t maybe try just loging out and unchecking that box.

I am asked to log in EVERY time I start the app.
That is the one thing I wish they would change in the app!
I have never log-in and do not want that service in the app. I don’t need a health monitor.

There are many times that I have considered removing the app from my phone because of that intrusive invasion of my use of the app … just take longer to do what I want with my HA’s.

Thank you for your response. I have the Phonak Ease Charger, which simply relies on a USB-C connection to the std mains plug. It isn’t battery powered. Ok so from what you say if the charger is on when you remove the aids, they switch on if Auto-On is enabled. If the charger is switched off and moved elsewhere they will not switch on - is that correct? And if the Charger is then plugged back in again are the aids switched on if they are removed?


I actually love the app - my audiologist installed her music program, which is great as it’s better than the one in MyPhonak for example and it can increase volume as well as having adjustable other programs for various situations.

Interesting that it operates differently between you guys. I don’t mind having to login it’s the constant requirement to keep having to enter my credentials that gyrates

Phonak Ease Charger (without backup battery) and Luminity Aids set to “Auto-On”:

If the charger is on when you remove the aids, they aids switch on.
If the charger is switched off and moved elsewhere the aids will switch on.
If the charger lost power due to power interuption the aids will switch on.

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No, sorry, as soon as you unplug the charger the hearing aids will come on.


So if charger is switched off with aids inside and configured to Auto-On the aids will switch on - fine. Now what happens if aids are kept in charger and the charger is switched on? Do the aids swich off?

Sorry, but i don’t have Lumity aids. But i assume that the aids switch OFF, if the charger get powered again.

Please try it yourself.

  • Power supply unit is plugged into the socket
  • Disconnect the Phonak Ease charger from the power supply.
  • Turn on both hearing aids.
  • Place both hearing aid devices in the charger while the charger is not connected to the power supply.

What happens when you connect the Phonak Ease Charger to the power cord?

My Phonak Lumity hearing aids also have the standard charger. When you place them in the charger they turn off and charge. If you pull them out of the charger they automatically turn on. If the charger is disconnected from the power (or there is a power failure), they also turn on. Restoring power turns them off again and starts the charging process.



Thank you @JordanK - it’s what I thought. Haven’t tried because I didn’t want to mess until I knew for sure.

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@user28 , regarding the app issue, have you already tried to delete the app on the phone and then restart the phone.
After the restart go to the google play store and re-download/install the phonak app again. Then check the app behaviour again.

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I’ll give it a try and report back, thank you

I have p90-r HAs. This is why I have auto-on disabled. If the power goes out I don’t want them turning on and burning battery until I come and find them. Long press on the button and they come up just fine.


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Fair point @WhiteHat which is why on my first pair I disabled Auto-On, assuming (not knowing) this would be the case. Whether or not this was the reason why I was continually having to reset my bluetooth right aid on this set isn’t known, which is why on my current pair the left aid is bluetooth activated. Interestingly over the past few days since my first post, I’ve not had any request to login to MyPhonak, coupled with this not having to reset any more, me thinks I’ve sorted my two issues. Thanks for your help all - very much appreciated

In November my left unit (also my BT master) went a little nutty. Resetting constantly. My audiologist wrote it up as a BT issue, but it rebooted constantly regardless of the BT situation. I might get 5 min between reboots tops. It would go away for a few seconds, and then show up again. It took almost a month, but they sent it off to Phonak US. I think they gave me a new battery with it somehow, as I don’t think they could have completely replaced it without losing my pairings. But the battery lasts better now than the other one, and it was the reverse before it went in.


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OK so now I’m thinking I have the identical set-up: new Phonak Lumity Life aids that I put into the induction charging base at night that I keep plugged into a wall. This is the same charger that’s capable of charging up the aids fully three times even when it’s not plugged in to a wall. So it’s called the Weekend Warrior charging base cuz you can take it on the road without its power cord for a couple days. (Um, not that I would rely on that actualy happening in a “field” test.)

I was always very careful about turning the aids OFF before dropping them into the chager at day’s end. My audi said no need to turn them off, they’ll simply start charging as needed once they’re dropped into the charging base. So I stopped turning them OFF before placing them in the charger at night.

But! There have been a few occasions where hubs has heard those little beans SCREAMING inside that charger - like they’re now ON and the feedback is shredding his eardrums. So I was very puzzled as to what was going on? It appears that whether we turn our Life aids OFF or leave them ON, they should immediately start charging up when placed inside the charger.

When I remove the aids in the morning, they are both indeed charged up to 100% and I get a good 17.5 hrs of use.

So was my hubs hearing that shrieking feedback cuz we’d just had a brief power failure? How come if someone places the aids in the charger without turning them OFF they don’t feed back?

I’m still confused, but I’ve gone back to my initial protocol of turning the aids OFF before putting them in the charging base at day’s end.

@1Bluejay: It’s nothing more than the Lumify Weekend Warrior War Cry … nothing to fear. (Phonaq engineers didn’t feel they had to address this issue because their end-users are … well … deaf!.)


Yes, I’m a cinderblock-eared WARRIOR! :feather:

I will don my waterproof aids :hear_with_hearing_aid: jump in the shower :shower: hop in my canoe :canoe: and paddle off in the pouring rain :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: to beat the drum :long_drum: about these issues - which are becoming a legend themselves among my people :footprints: worthy of a Leatherstocking tale :open_book:.

@1Bluejay: The legendary @1Bluejay and the Tales of the Phonakites!