Phonak Lumity 90 or 70 or 50?

I’m trialing Phonak Audeo Lumity, want to upgrade from my Marvel 50 as I found some difficulty to hear in noisy environments. I initially asked for L90 as it has Speech in Loud Noise function, which I really need due to moderate and profound hearing loss. My audiologist suggested me to upgrade to 50, then she agreed to let me try 70. She said higher model like 90 only works better if I wear two HA, as they can talk to each other. So L90 is no difference to L70 if I only wear 1 HA?

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Most HAs work best with two, but what your audiologist is saying is that certain features only work with two and speech and noise one of them.
So two ears is better then one just like two eyes is better as you lose peripheral vision with just one, talk to your audiologist to get the results your wanting.
You could post your audiogram as this would be helpful as well.


It’s in the L70 as a manual program as well but it won’t work with one HA.


I don’t have my audiogram. I never got mine.

Speech in Loud Noise works with the Phonak CROS system.

I’m quite shocked that you’ve never had your Audiogram. Have you not wanted to see what your hearing loss is?

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Any reason it doesn’t work in 1 HA? I understand that two ears are better than one, but how come the speech in loud noise feature doesn’t work when only 1 HA is worn?

I saw it in the audiologist office, but I was never given a copy. I never thought I should be given a copy. I don’t understand it either.

Speech in Loud Noise works with two hearing aids to fully work. Works with the four Mics.

Do some googling but a lot of features like Speech in Loud Noise, Speech in 360 etc don’t work with one HA.

If you unlink the HAs, the Speech in Loud Noise etc won’t work as well.


You should request it, they’ll email you a copy I’m sure no problem.


None of the features that depend on beam-forming will work if you only have one HA. The HAs use the distance between the aids the know the directions sound comes from. Speech in loud noise will cancel noise from sides and back to focus on speakers in the front. This function will be disabled for any of the programs that could use it, but some depend on it.



If you want better speech in loud noise, I’d consider keeping your current hearing aid and either getting a PartnerMic (for one on one speech) or a Roger On In for group settings. There’s really only so much microphones that set on your ears can accomplish in noise. Getting the microphone closer to the sound source helps tremendously.

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Can you provide more information about your hearing. If you are looking for one hearing aid, is the other ear healthy?? Or do you not hear in the other ear at all?

I have hearing loss in both ears. I only wear 1 hearing aid because I needed another year to listen to my phone. When I had my first HA over 10 years ago, there was no Bluetooth function and T coil didn’t work. Now with Bluetooth, I am thinking maybe it’s time to have HA for both ears to take advantage of the new technology. Thanks for explaining everything to me. Will my brain need a lot of adjustments from 1 HA to 2 HA?

The ear that hasn’t been aided will definitely take some getting used to. I’m guessing it will also take getting used to hearing with both ears again.

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Go ask for it! That’s what I do! Doesn’t matter if it was done years ago or just recently. These audiograms are kept on file. So if you ask for a hardcopy of it, you’ll get it. THEN you can go through the relatively tedious procedure of entering both the RIGHT and LEFT results in the audiogram form under your profile.


Thanks everyone. I never knew I could ask for my audiogram. I have worn HA for over 10 years, but I don’t know anyone else who also wears HA. It has been difficult sometimes. So glad to find this forum which allows me to share my challenges and got advices.


Absolutely agree with that! It’s a gold mine here, and we are lucky to have a lot of DIYers and long-time users.


I have the L70’s, both ears, have had them for about 4 months or so and I’m not too happy with the speech in loud noise function but I also don’t think I have them dialled in correctly just yet. I had trialed them at my previous provider and they worked great but I moved form (nexgen to connect hearing, in Canada) as phonak owns connect and it’s all they deal with but they have not been able to help me get these dialed in like my trial L70’s. When you mention the manual program are you talking about the my Phonak app? I have fiddled with it a fair bit and have had new programs added. I have an appointment to go in tomorrow to undo the last 2 adjustments they did which made it worse and seems to be cancelling everything out to at least some degree. a bit frustrated with this part of the HA’s , awesome bluetooth for phone and tv.

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Yes, the manual program through the APP. The new features allow us to adjust the pitch of sound as well. I used it during my first 2 months of trial to reduce mid frequency. But it doesn’t help this time after full re-adjustment last month. I am wearing my old HA now, as the new one high frequency sounds too harsh and difficult to understand words. I will go back next week to talk to my audiologist. I am in Vancouver area too. I don’t know that only Connect Hearing can offer Phonak. I love Bluetooth and TV streaming too.

connect hearing definitely only offers phonak, that is why I left them previously, and came back because I knew I was getting phonaks, so far going back has been a big mistake as they can’t seem to dial them in like nexgen did, not happy now as my autosense 5 seems to jump all over the map when I’m out, it didn’t do this previously anywhere near the degree it does it now, quite frustrated and will be moving elsewhere soon.