One lost hearing aid - Buy & Sell

I’ve lost one of my Widex Beyond 440 HAs. (((

Of course, it would be great if someone may have an extra… nevertheless, is there any resource on the web where people can post their needs (such as my need for a widex 440) - a site for buying and selling single used HAs?

Just makes sense that for everybody who’s lost a right side hearing aid like me there’s got to be someone who’s lost a left side hearing aid - it seems like such an exchange site would be a natural resource that would help a lot of us (“eventually”) !!!

Check eBay. Buy a used one and your audiologist should be able to just save the last program onto it.

Don’t worry to much about this, you can easily configure a R to L or vice versa.
eBay is gonna be your best bet.


They do need the receiver for the proper side and length.

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Don’t know how long you have had them but often insurance is included when you buy them. Costco replaced one I lost with no hassle. Maybe some other types might cover it too.


I checked eBay and only found pairs… no one listing just a single device. That’s why I was thinking an “exchange,” matching lost R’s with lost L’s would be useful))

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This is a listing for one … but you can get two for about the same price :grinning:|tkp%3ABk9SR_Djpv20YQ

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