Is there any programming the audi can do with the Phonak Roger On?

I bought a Roger On In and I was wondering if it can/should be programmed by the audi according to my audiogram or not…

It doesn’t work like that. The programming is in your aids. Your Roger could connect to hundreds of aids. Programming for them individually would be nuts.


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Aren’t these settings for Roger accessories?
Perhaps @Zebras or @kevels55 might know a thing or two.

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Yes, but it’s specific to the hearing aid not specific to the Roger On. The Roger On has some minor volume offset adjustability, but otherwise it’s the hearing aids that get adjusted.

We verify our FMs, but it’s rare that I need to make too many adjustments. I expect many places do not verify their FMs.


Sure, just as they program the Compilot, the audiologist can teach your hearing aids to “hear” the sounds captured by Roger’s microphone.

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I just bought the Roger On-In. My audibdidn’t program it. It’s a microphone to enhance your hearing experience. For me it makes the speaker sound clearer and adds a little volume to their voice. You can use it with it clipped to someone and make them easier to hear in places with loud noise, you can give to a presenter so you can hear them during a presentation. You can put it on a table and the mije will focus the each person that is speaking during the meeting. I know you can stresm TV or connect it to a laptop. It’s a nice smart device and works well when I use it. Programing the device? Not that I’m aware of.


One catch is that you have to adjust the aids in Target, then try the Roger, you can’t do it live.

When I was at school, my hearing aids and FM system were put into some sort of box and the EasyGain adjusted on the FM depending on what the box was told.

Have no idea what it was testing tho.


Yes. I found solving the issue of Upward Masking massively helps hearing less background noise via the Roger Mic.

I also found Dual Microphone behaviour works best for me.


What’s that? What setting did you trigger exactly and how?

To help with Upward Spread of Masking she uses Roger Mic.

I believe that’s what @Zebras meant.

Yes, your educational audiologist was verifying your FM and making some minor adjustments to try to better match prescriptive targets.

Pediatric audiologists sometimes have slightly more rigorous behaviours, which makes sense given that children are more limited in their ability to give feedback on what their hearing aids are doing.

What do you mean by “verify FMs”? I have a Roger ON iN, so should I ask my audi if she verified the FM?

We check them on the testbox with the hearing aids to make sure they are meeting prescriptive gain targets.

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Upward masking is to make sure low frequencies are not overpowering high frequencies. Aka making sure it’s not giving you more background noise.

Interesting! My audi has never done this with my Rogers, and I definitely feel that when in a noisy restaurant, they pick up way too much ambient noise to be useful. So I just end up putting the Roger away and going into Speech in Loud Noise on my Phonak Lumity Life aids. Not perfect either, but definitely cuts out BACKGROUND noise.