Help with Adjustments

Hello everyone. Thank you so much for help with the Genie 2 software, and helping me learn. I have Oticon MiniRite OPN S1 aids, 85 receivers, open domes. I have been using them for about two months now, and I really still struggle with hearing any conversation with background noise, whether it’s in the car, restaurant, or just several people talking at once. With a one on one conversation I can hear and understand pretty well. I struggle with background white noise that I hear in my head 24/7, and occasionally ringing which does not last long. I’m retired now, and have been in construction my whole life, I used hearing protection with the noisy tools, but lost most of my hearing from cancer/chemotherapy treatment. I have four programs in the hearing aids, General, Speech in Noise, Lecture, Music, but they all sound exactly the same? The software programed the aids with sound levels, but loud noises are really loud, and I usually keep the sound level -2 to tolerate that.
I have uploaded my tests, and am looking for help with how to tweak my aids for better understanding of conversation. And just help in general with getting these aids to work better. Is there a way to upload my Oticon settings in Genie 2? Thanks!