Hearing Industry Map (Updated 2018)

Please let me know if any of you see the need for corrections.


ListenUp Canada is now called Hearing Life

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Thanks Mark will get that updated.

The resolution of the image is poor using my Chrome browser even with zoom. The image size is only 148 KB so viewing the saved image is no help…not that I am particularly interested.

Try https://qa-forum.hearingtracker.com/uploads/default/original/2X/8/88423ed9d0c7cf2e26c4b9e6c4d40257ce714bb0.jpg

Edit: Just uploaded a new one.

That image is 1.6 MB…much better.

File size on the new XL image is slightly smaller, and didn’t want you to look wrong… so just commenting to say that the link has been updated since you commented.

Excellent! Thank you Abram.

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Updated map here:

On this page: