Assistance streaming with Rexton Reach and S23

Just came home with Rexton Reach aids. They connect to Bluetooth for the Rexton app to control them, but they don’t stream audio. I’ve tried with LE Audio on and off. Neither works. I’m sure it’s a setting, but I just don’t know where to look. Can somebody help get me streaming? I need it for phone and music.

What phone are you using, also can you be sure that your reach have had the firmware update for LE Audio, otherwise for now you can use ASHA with android smartphone.

I’m using S23+
I checked firmware and is up to date with LE Audio enabled version… The app shows firmware installed and the version number matched the new firmware version number posted elsewhere on this forum.
After sleeping on this I had a thought. The Costco people had me connected through the app. I’m going to try connecting without the app directly to the phone.

I un-installed the Rexton app and unpaired the aids from BT. Tried to pair with just BT. The pairing goes fine according to phone which shows connected but no streaming audio. Unpair again. Loaded Rexton app again paired through the app. Streaming works, but not with LE Audio. The toggle for LE Audio is still there, but off. I’m going to continue messing with this once the world wakes up. I have to check this connection with phone audio before I try to switch on LE Audio again.

In setting do the search for “hearing”.

Compatibility should be on.
Aids connected.

Searching “LE Audio” will bring up all the developer information available.

I have a feeling you understand all this but wanted help if possible.

I’m probably completely wrong, but I thought I would throw it out just in case.

Yeah so the app isn’t required for streaming (calls,music) this is a bluetooth settings between phone and HAs, as @Raudrive says could be in the “Developer mode” on your phone.