Oticon Companion app updated

I contacted Oticon to clarify firmware updates through the Oticon Companion app: The app can deliver minor firmware updates to Real hearing aids. For example, 1.1.0 → 1.1.x.

However, other updates (e.g. from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0) are still done in the clinic.

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Good information, thanks for sharing this. Maybe in the near future they can implement a major update through the app.

Thanks. Im a 12 mini running 16.6 too. Just updated. Mine looks the same except it shows I’m current at 1.3. We know that’s not latest fw so guess it isn’t working for mores. Oticon exchanged out my updated 1.4.2 More1 for a 1.3 More1 because of the connect clip problems. It didn’t fix them. Hoping they will come out with a fw fix soon and that we can update Mores via companion app

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I find it interesting, I have More1 aids with firmware 1.4.2, I use my connect clip, all the time with my Fire tablet without any issues with connectivity. I listen to audiobooks for hours at a time. I have also used the connect clip with my S23 phone when I wanted to be full hands free, with no issues.

I have 1.4.3 and More 1s and I get the same message. I assumed that there would need to be an audiologist involved since it would be very unlike Oticon to cut the audiologist who sells their product out of the loop. And perhaps they need to be involved to make sure that the firmware update is done correctly and doesn’t affect your other settings.

Yes, this is really strange. What can I say, but be glad you’re not experiencing the same problem as others. It’s incredibly frustrating to have your audio working fine and then it starts dropping out for no obvious reason. If I didn’t have my own noalink unit, I would have had to go back to my opn s and I probably would have ended up returning them.

What is the firmware version of your ConnectClip?

My connect clip came with my Oticon OPN1 aids back in 2018, and it is now paired the my More1 aids. Actually I have another connect clip that I use with my OPNS1 aids, which are my backup set.

Has anyone with the Moore gotten Hearing Fitness to show up on the updated Companion App? It doesn’t show up for me. It still works on the old Oticon ON app…. Thanks

The hearing fitness is gone. And from my understanding isn’t going to make a comeback.

It certainly seems that way…. I ask because the release notes of the recent Companion app update stated that it was being reintroduced but i dont see it anywhere… it is also mentioned in the screenshots on the App Store for the app…

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Hopefully they will bring it back.

It is very odd why some have problems and some don’t. Guess that’s why Oticon can’t isolate it. Since getting the new More1 from Oticon with FW 1.3, I’ve been switching back and for trying both aids and my original OPN1 I used for years with the cc with no problems. Yes all the pairing is a pain but I’m trying to do this like a very detailed science experiment. I finally figured out why I can sometimes hear thru the cc when in remote mic mode and sometimes can’t. Having the companion app on gave me the clue. The streaming level, not the environment level jumps around all over the place randomly. Sometimes it stays same level for several switches from P1 to Remote mic and sometimes not. No pattern. No wonder I couldn’t figure it out. I mainly use mine for class, seminar situations and bike riding my husband wears it to alert me to passing bikes coming who don’t announce “on the left” or say it too softly. I hear him fine sometimes, then we stop somewhere and I toggle back to P1, then when we start backup, back to remote mic mode which is just down one toggle on my aid and he’s very faint or can’t hear him at all. It’s been this way since a year ago January when I got my More with CROS. I updated to 1.4.2 in March and started using cc again after winter and problem was still there. Worse at first cause the cc wouldn’t even toggle into remote mic mode, ie no magenta pink light. Called Oticon patient line and after many hours of trying different unpairing and repairing they had me clear all pairings by holding all three buttons on cc till white light appeared and after that the cc would go into mic mode but I still couldn’t hear. Never thought to look on app at the streaming vol level in remote mic mode. So oticons answer is send me back to FW 1.3 but it doesn’t fix the problem. Both mores do the same random streaming level thing. Tested my OPN1 with the cc and it goes to streaming level 7 every single time. I never even know I had an option to change the level. I don’t really use the app, just my toggle to switch programs and volume buttons on iPhone to make louder or softer. It’s a mess and told Oticon they are about to lose a customer who has owned 4 oticons since going deaf in one ear 2007 and will probably be buying new aids every 3-5 years next 20 years. I’m limited to manufacturers who make the CROS option but unless they make this right my business is probably going to Phonak. Their latest answer for me is to send me a new connect clip an no charge and see if it fixes the problem. I pick it up tomorrow. To be continued……

I’ve noticed on my Android phone (Samsung Galaxy A23), the latest version of the companion app seems to affect the audio streaming quality. The problems are either micro dropouts, and/or one aid will stop receiving audio for a few seconds, then a bit later, the other. Rince and repeat.

As soon as I completely exit the Companion app, the audio streaming stabilises again.

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I haven’t had any issues with the S23.
And i listen for hours sometimes to audio books.

I noticed a couple of days ago that the On app for my iphone was deactivated by Oticon and replaced by a screen telling me to download the Companion app. I can’t remember ever having an app be deactivated like that. Seems quite unprofessional for a developer to do that.

They appear to be having trouble getting users to stop using the old app and change to the new one. If they made the Companion app have the same functionality as the old one and work better, they might have more success. It shows that they don’t have the people who know how to role out new software and are not used to dealing with their customers directly. Must be a new experience for them. :slight_smile:

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To be absolutely honest, I don’t even need the app, even with my Samsung Galaxy S23 phone. I use the default program on my aids exclusively. I seldom use the TV Adapter. I use the connect clip with my Fire tablet and it works as a remote control for my aids.

Personally if you need the app so much then either you are addicted to apps, or your aids haven’t been adjusted correctly for your needs.
I have been using hearing aids for just over 20 years, the first 5 years the aids I had didn’t have volume controls and only one program setting. And now with modern hearing aids, I have that having more than the default program just makes hearing aids too complicated to remember what program you are using or should use, so I make sure my audiologist fine tunes my aids to maximize the default program to all of my needs. Sure I stream audio books and calls to my aids, that doesn’t require the Oticon app. But if I do stream the TV by way of the TV adapter I sometimes need to make minor adjustments but seldom find that need.

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No, I’m not addicted to apps and my audiologist is actually quite good and has adjusted the hearing aids quite well but I do find the app useful. Sometimes my fingers just are too big and the buttons too small to make the changes that I want and I just find it easier to use the app and or the app that’s provided by the iOS.

FYI, I just upgraded from the iPhone XR to the iPhone 14 pro (got a sweet deal during the changeover period from 14 to 15) and the quality of the audio that is streamed through the iPhone is dramatically better now. It used to be quite crunchy and especially for music unless I moved over to the My Music program. The new iphone fixed a lot of streaming problems that I had.

I had iPhones for about 9 years, I kept telling myself they were what I needed, but I just kept having issues with my aids not staying connected to them. This past June got a chance to trade my iPhone for the Samsung Galaxy S23 and I gave in and did so, well it has turned out to be the best thing I have ever done. My More1 aids stay connected to the phone without any issues, if the app loses connectivity which happens every once in awhile, no big deal the aids are still connected to the phone and doesn’t skip a beat. I tried the MyMusic program and didn’t see any benefit in even having it taking up space on my aids. I have had the t-coils activated for awhile and after give it a try didn’t see any need for them either, the same went for the tinnitus program. I have had speech in noise programs so on a so forth and never saw the need to keep them after the new wore off of them. I love the fact that I normally put my aids in my ears when I wake up and never have to touch them or think about them until I get ready for bed.

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Sounds like you have worked out a system that works well for you. That’s great! Mostly the aids just work for me as well. It is only in very noisy environments that I find that I have to make adjustments. I shift over to the speech in-noise program which my audiologist tweaked to make it work better and it helps.

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Oticon Companion for iPhone. A new version 1.3.0 is now available.

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