One week to surgery! (Follow up on post #32)

Hey @ssa thanks for sharing! This seems to be an inflated hospital bill that they write so that insurance providers can pay up.

@WhiteHat you’re correct but instead of afterward, I have done such talks with some docs beforehand and if it is paid out of pocket (no insurance), the prices are much much cheaper. I was just hoping there’s someone in this forum has paid out of pocket so I can get an accurate estimate of what it will cost.


No it is not…it is the actual cost after negotiation with insurance co. The cochear implant system is like $30k alone per ear

Phonak Naida or Oticon Xceed is also good for profound hearing loss if you decide not to go fo CI. I can heard better with Xceed UP 1 compare to More 1.
Maybe the cost of CI is cheaper in Singapore or India. Send email to them and check.

Here, i heard an amount of 21K USD for CI but not sure it is for 1 for both, from a private Audi.

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Is tomorrow the big day?
Good luck.

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Yes it is. I’m only a little nervous. I know it will be ok, but it IS surgery. When I feel okay I’ll post a update.


I bet you will have a great team working with you. They will be part of your CI journey.

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Wishing you all the best for tomorrow’s surgery. I look forward to following your journey here on the boards. :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

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The negotiated price for mine was $85K. Single CI, implanted last month. The bill from the hospital was about $135K, before the insurance negotiated price.


Were there surgeons’, anesthesiologists’, etc bills on top of the hosp’s bills?


Yes, that was the complete cost. I have a full breakdown of the pricing.

Your CI surgery was yesterday.
How are you doing today?
Hopefully you got some rest last night.


@db4art how are you going since your surgery?
Hopefully all is well and you just taking it slowly.
Let us know when you feel up to it.

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The good:
It’s been a week and the surgery went well. I had no dizziness or nausea. The pain wasn’t too bad - I only took a couple of the pain pills the first 2 nights. As of now, the exterior swelling is gone. The only spot that bothers me is where the magnet is. I have 3 weeks to activation.

The bad:
I seem to have had a rare reaction to the anesthetic and have lost a bunch of hearing in my non-implanted ear that I noticed as soon as I woke from surgery. The tests the next day show a 30-40% drop in word understanding! I am on meds in hope of that this is temporary.

I saw my audiologist this morning and she confirmed that there is no fluid behind my eardrum and that the actual hearing aids were undamaged. She added a separate program to my aids that helps, but really can’t correct, for a sudden word comprehension drop of over 30% in my un-implanted “good” ear. If my hearing recovers I can still access my original program.

I hope it will eventually clear up with the meds. But if it doesn’t, I will have to reevaluate my overall hearing plan. I feel quite deaf.

So that’s the update for now. Only time will tell.


I’ve posted an update Deaf-piper…

I’m happy to read you are doing well post op and didn’t have a rough recovery period.

Sadly a SSHL can happen to anyone for no real reason. Fingers crossed the treatment you’re on helps a lot.

I’m bimodal and have severe profound loss in my non implanted ear, WRS 22% non aided. I manage very well being bimodal, my binaural aided WRS is 94%. So once you get activated and get the correct aid to pair with your processor, I hope you will be very happy with the results.

Once your activated do lots of active rehab and go to all your mappings in the first year.
Good luck on your new hearing journey.

Thanks for the pep talk! I was really upset when I came out of surgery way deafer than I expected. The adjustment to my current aid, though barely adequate, has helped not only my hearing but my spirits. I’m a realist and understand that I may not recover what is lost. I see the surgeon next week and will discuss it all with him again.

I am getting the Link hearing aid at activation and I do hope that will make a big difference if this is permanent. If it doesn’t help enough, I guess I may need to consider a CROS or another implant. But those were not in my game plan at this time.

@db4art Have a look at my audiogram, my left ear is my HA ear. I manage extremely well being bimodal. All my phone calls, music audiobooks & podcasts all stream directly to my ears, this makes a huge difference to what you can hear. I don’t have any problems answering the phone or just general conversation either. When I’m out in a noisy environment I turn on live listen on my iPhone and again conversation streams directly to my ears.

I did 2 hours over the day of active rehab, mostly just streaming audiobook and podcasts. I removed my HA for rehab to force my CI ear to do all the work. I got the results I wanted from doing all my rehab. I also listened to the radio and Spotify for music, again I got the results and I’m able to enjoy music. I will say music appreciation is a hard gig, some succeed some don’t.

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Thanks again for the reassurance. Hearing how well you’ve managed your rehab helps a lot. When I decided to be implanted I knew I would have to work hard at rehab.

On another note, I just swallowed wrong and had a mini coughing fit. Boy, did that make my head hurt where my magnet is! I’ll have to be more careful until this is all healed.


It’s good to hear your CI surgery went well. You have not mentioned any side effects many get so that is great.

I am sorry to hear about your non implanted ear losing hearing from anesthesia reactions. My first thought was to see an ENT medical doctor. Did you get meds or a steroid shot in that ear? Those are the things I seem to remember people doing on a sudden hearing loss.

Activation day is coming soon. It’s exciting and a little scary for most people. It was for me.

Yes, I am very happy with how easy the surgery and recovery has been for me. That part was a great relief!

I noticed the loss as soon as I woke from surgery when the Surgeon (ENT) tried to talk to me about how it went and give me instructions. My hearing aid did not help at all. It was (as is) as if the volume on that ear has been turn to “low” and I’m stuck at the bottom of a barrel. I’m on a strong oral steroid, with 3 days to go. There is no change so far. I see the surgeon next week for a follow up and a hearing test.

I suddenly lost a lot of hearing in my right ear (now implanted) over 10 years ago, keeping some low frequencies. I started wearing a CROS in that ear and was happy with it. I decided to get the CI because my left, HA ear, has been slowly declining over the years and I was having more and more trouble understanding speech. And to guard against another SSHL loss that would leave me truly deaf.

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