Now, I understand….. Roger On, WOW factor!

Hey thanks for that link! I will definitely look at it. I was at my new audi’s the other day and she said she could have a Phonak rep in to demo a Roger setup. I should at least check it out before judging it! :slight_smile:


I feel that the Roger On (I don’t know what model alan2 was using) does focus on speech to the point that music is useless to me. But things like someone excessively clanging their spoon against a cup still comes in. You can use the myroger app to cut out sectors you don’t want to hear from, if that helps. I am aggressive about tailoring it to suit the situation.



Glad to hear you are liking your Roger On. It was recently rated the top Phonak accessory. I have asked for one from the VA. You have answered a question that has come up about the On. In talking with the VA Audiologist, she said she would have to order new aids for me, since the On wasn’t compatible with Marvels. I thought it was, but didn’t argue since I am getting new aids anyway. I have seen instances an the past where a VA Audiologist didn’t know what they were talking about. I am not going to even mention the compatibility issue when I get the new aids. I am really looking forward to using the On. I believe it will help me a lot. Thanks for posting this.


You are welcome @John_Green, yeah the Roger On works with both Marvel and Paradise aids, I have both…. But, as you say, you are getting a new set of Paradise out of the deal! So hopefully all goes well for you, I think you will enjoy them both John…. Perhaps, the VA are trying to bury the hatchet, and create a more friendly atmosphere between you & them? The Paradise aids might be their way of a peace offering? Hopefully, the start of better things to come, and please let us know how you get along with the Roger On, and indeed the Paradise aids…… Good Luck, cheers Kev :wink:

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If the marvels were VA provided, I suspect you will also connect to the Roger and both sets of HAs will work with it.



I don’t know for sure yet, but suspect the following. When the VA set up the contract for the Marvels, they didn’t include Roger receivers. So, in order to make the Marvels work with the On, they would have to install Roger receivers. This is apparently something they do not want to do. It might be cheaper for them to just replace the Marvels with Paradise. That would go a long way toward understanding why the Audiologist said that Marvels aren’t compatible with the On. Out of the box, they aren’t. If the VA’s contract for the Paradise does include Roger receivers as standard, that would explain it. I know for a fact that my Marvels don’t work with any Roger devices without a Roger Hearlink. I have high hopes for the Roger On.

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Thank you for your interpretation John…. At some point alongside the VA contract with Sonova/Phonak, the licenses might have been included in their VA contract? Both Marvel & Paradise aids have built-in Roger receivers, but they have to be activated via a piece of equipment called a “Roger X Installer”(I have this RXI) I am able to transfer my “Roger X Receiver Licenses” between 3 sets of aids, it usually takes about 5 minutes to uninstall from 1 set of aids, and reinstall the licenses into a different set, it sounds like a complicated process, but it is fairly simple in practice…. The reason I think the VA now pre-install the licenses, is another member of this forum assumed, all Marvel/Paradise aids had the licenses, he/she had bought several pairs of Marvel aids 2nd hand via eBay, and they all worked with their Roger devices, when I asked if they were Ex-VA aids, the the OP said, they believed they were all sold by VA Vet’s, hence their assumption that all Marvel & Paradise just worked with all Roger devices, they do in theory, but in practice, the licenses have to be installed to activate the built-in receivers…. Apologies for the long winded explanation! Cheers Kev :wink:

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Hi @kevels55 I wonder if you have a roger table mic and does it offer any benefit over the roger on?
Also, you’ve mentioned that the select is slightly better for you than the roger on, if that’s correct, do you think it is worth having both or one will suffice?
Thank you

I’m sure kevels will answer you but I’ll chip in too

The real advantage on the On, and the roger pen, is the narrow band of the pointing mode. You can point at a specific person and zoom in on what they are saying. The select has a system for selecting a specific microphone on the array so you can kind of point, I often use it that way, but it is tricky and more awkward then pointing with the On or pen.

I have 2 Table Mics and they are great for business conferences or large dinner parties but no pointing. They are big and powerful and the batteries last all day but they are not as versatile as the others.

It is also possible to use lots of different Roger devices together and at the same time but that is super tricky and complicated.

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@Psych1 Would you say that the On would be enough when used on a dinner table (since the On too has an array of microphones integrated)?
The dilemma for me is, do I need to get my brother a select or/and table mic, I did get him a roger on and pen, but not sure if he needs the select and/or table mic?
Thank you

I don’t have the On, just everything else, don’t need may want, it does seem to do it all

The On and Select can’t both be used as on a table tho. You would have to get a Table Mic.

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Thank you @Baltazard for your question’s, been out playing a 8 Ball pool competition…. I think if given the choice between Roger On & Roger Select, I would choose Roger Select, if I was forced to pick just one…. In a 1 on 1 situation, Roger On for me wins hands down, especially in a car! But at the dinner table, again for me it’s the Roger Select seems to handle that situation better, both are excellent, but it’s all down to personally preferences, unfortunately at the moment, I don’t have Table Mic 2, but we are working on it :joy::upside_down_face::rofl: Thank you @Psych1 & @Zebras for your input :wink:


That is so good. To be able to hear those tiny sounds for the first time, must have felt pretty good. I’ve been thinking about getting something like that, particularly for office use or catching up with people. I might look into that more now :wink:


Is there any way to connect Roger On to Signia’s AX series HAs?

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Yes, I believe you can, using a Roger Inductive Loop, either the type (03) or type (02), if you have Telecoil on your AX aids, tis actually the cheapest method of connecting to Roger On… Cheers Kev :grin:


I think it might be called Roger MyLink?

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I have Stylettos AX, they don’t have telecoil AFAIK. I’d rather not use telecoil anyway, due to sound quality loss.

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No @MDB , I have one, a type (03) I checked just now, it’s called a Roger NeckLoop… Cheers Kev :wink:

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Oh well, here’s hoping that Signia brings some stuff from Widex’s accessory range. After the merge this seems to be happening with HAs at least, slow migration of features and hardware.

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