New observation regarding Music

I too sometimes turn the HA volume down 1 or 2 clicks so I can enjoy the bass notes more and take some of the sharpness off the high notes. Just a matter of personal preference, possibly influenced sometimes by past experience of hearing those tunes when my hearing wasn’t compensated; one learns to expect the song to sound a certain way.


The OP is talking about playing on and listening to his own guitar, not streaming.

Excuse me, what makes you think I was referring to streaming?
Matter of fact, I replied to another user in comment #3 that the OP was talking about playing “Live guitar”.

Thanks for your observation. I had a similar experience and music background. The Music program was also not fully satisfying. My solution, for those who can, was to re-program the music program (using Genie 2 and nohalink) for the most linear possible response and adjusting the response to the right volume, while playing at home. It is hard to do this at the audiologist. But with the Nohalink being a couple of hundred dollars and Genie available for free, it makes sense to those who really want to have control of their programming to do it yourself at home, with your instrument. It is not difficult to figure out the software. There are plenty of tutorials online and within the app. You don’t even need to touch the audiologist programming, which is your “default” program. All the others are automatically based on that one. But you can change the music program without affecting it and you can always go back to the default. Can’t go wrong. In any case, this is just an observation, not my advice…


I am a hearing aid user for 30+ years and a musician. I noticed at first when I started using hearing aids that I had difficulty playing and using my hearing aids. I preferred the darker sound of my instruments without the hearing aids. As time passed I learned to use the hearing aids while playing. Currently I am using Widex 440 Beyonds. These allow me several various programs for various listening environments as well as allowing me to add new programs that I can create. Best sounding hearing aids for me. I have worn Phonak and demoed Starkey and Oticon too.


For anyone wondering another fix… It seems I am going to be able to keep both linear compression & that sweet loud spot lowering (a lot) the MPO between 250 and 2K Hz in my right ear (the one I had done stapedectomy). Classical guitar sounds even better now.

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Very nice post regarding music. I too have significant loss. I cannot understand speech at all without my aids. My audi programmed a special setting for music. It is actually quite good. Before I had aids, I never listened to music. I had pretty much given up on guitar and banjo.

Now I play everyday. Unfortunately, my fingers sometimes do not behave as I would like. The picking fingers on my right hand can no longer control the rolls on the banjo but still do pretty well when using a pick with the guitar.

My new normal. :wink:



I find if I turn down the volume of the music,the music just get lower too!

The very word “Autosense” explains that. I have the music programme as a separate programme, so Autosense doesn’t decide to change it to something like speech in noise. I do find Autosense annoying, is it often does it wrong

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I suspect it would depend on your loss. I’m guessing you have a flatter loss (but can’t tell because your audiogram isn’t posted)

I wish I could post my audiogram,but,don’t know how to post it,I know I have to turn the volume down when i go into my kitchen,everything in there sounds much to loud! turn the volume back up when i walk into my living room,

Assuming you have your audiogram, go to top of page, click on forum, click on my hearing tests.

I only have a flip phone,don’t laugh,it works for me, except when it doesn’t ha

Are you accessing the forum on your flip phone? If so, I would think you could enter audiogram as explained above. Flipphones are great devices, but not much fun to interact with internet.

No,not on my Flip,only my computer

This is really helpful information. I’ve thought about geting Noahlink but didn’t want to screw up what my audiologist has done. Thanks!

I would love to know the name of this file, and I agree, a way to pin it would be very useful.

I am wearing Phonak aids, and have set up the music program within autosence with everything turned off including sound recover (compression) whistle block etc. It’s basically pure analog with a graphic equalizer.
Using this setting my classical guitar sounds great. I also selected this music program to be number 1 one of the manual programs to lock it in when playing my classical guitar or newly acquired mandolin Not using fluorocarbon treble guitar strings help too.

I have sound recovery switched off on almost everything else, and using vented domes enjoy listening to recorded or live music in the autosence mode. I never stream music, which I found just plain sucks.

I now find myself going thru the whole day forgetting I am wearing hearing aids. I feel for those of you that haven’t taken the plunge to DIY. If it wasn’t for the convenience of doing my own programming, I wouldn’t be playing any instruments.

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Regarding discussions of hearing music more successfully with hearing aids, I have seldom/never seen distinctions here on the Forum between listening to classical music and rock-and-roll. I can’t imagine that the same settings work equally well for both!

I believe these are what you may be looking for here.

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