Looking for Starkey Pro Fit software

Hello Tenkan,

I am looking for a copy of the Starkey pro fit/Inspire software please.
For my DIY project, can you share a link or how can I get it please ?

Thank you !

Welcome to the forum, sure but there’s the hardware requirements as well, depending on which models you have.

During the installation I get the following message…what am I doing wrong?

No idea, I can’t read that language so I don’t even know what it says, but did you install patient base and then try reinstalling.

Hi! I need the starkey pro fit software, please

Also, anyone knows If It Works in Brazil?

I need do configure my grandparent hearing aids, Starkey 2400 (or something like that), is there another solution beside buying the Noahlink wireless? I need to buy it from USA, and the taxes are like half of the original price, sadly


Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, can you confirm the exact model your referring to is Starkey Evolv AI 2400 or something else.

Thanks! I think that it’s Lívio ai

Yeah ok so your best to get the Noahlink wireless because that’s the industry standard for programming.

Hi tenkan, could I have the Pro Fit software too?
A thousand thanks!

Hi there, sure, but you’ll also need the correct programming device plus you’ll also need patient base for any DIY projects.
Do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

Hello Tenkan,
Would you also send me a link for
the Starkey Pro fit software.
I have the Noah wireless device and done some programming with my Signia aids .

Thank you kindly.

Hi there, sure no problem, since you have everything you’ll be up and running in no time, quite a difference from Signia, should be interesting if you like Starkey, don’t forget you’ll need patient base as well.

Hello Tenkan,

I’m also very interested in obtaining a link to the Pro Fit software. I’ve just received my Genesis AI 24 hearing aids and would like to do some DIY fitting in order to improve music experience.


Welcome to the forum, sure but you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY project, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

Thanks for the info. I finally made Pro Fit work. If you are running on a Windows 11 system and have issues starting PatientBase, consider this: Troubleshoot errors related to system disk sector size greater than 4 KB

Interesting, so win11 is still a pain, thanks for sharing this.

I have Genesis AI 24 hearing aids, Noahlink, and Patientbase downloaded on a Windows 11 laptop. How can I get ProFit software? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hi there, sure it’s available ,great your giving DIY a go, Starkey are pretty good and the software is super easy to use as well,

Thank you so much! The download worked perfectly. I’m going to do some simulations and then create a couple of patients so I have my original settings saved.

Yeah that’s the way, always good to backup your original settings.