I’ve read, skimmed through ReSound white papers for both the One’s and the Quattro’s. In a key feature, All-Access Directionality, they sound very similar (great thing about “technical” white papers is they never really give you the actual technical details because of trade secrets and all that jazz). Besides the M&RIE in the ear, the design and placement of the body microphones is different and Ultrafocus, which you previously had to seek out as Narrow Focus in the Restaurant program, is now a main program and probably even more focused than the variable beam-forming tunable in the Restaurant program. So if you go with ReSound PR, you’ll get a more natural sound, better sound localization, 2 dB better signal-to-noise ratio for speech recognition (forget what circumstances this is supposed to occur), and easy access to highly focused beam forming for very difficult speech recognition situations such as listening to the agent at an airport terminal counter with a lot of buzz on all sides around you. Not all experienced Quattro users find the Ones/Jabras a night and day difference over the Quattro’s/Prezas: Resound quattro vs resound one - #2 by Ureout. The Ones/Jabras to me do sound like a definite functional improvement but one that is more evolutionary than revolutionary. I guess I’ll only really know if I get to try them or an even more advanced evolution somewhere down the line.