Dani's trip to his CI

Activation Day!

The first adjustment was on March 11th, 2020, almost exactly 3 weeks after surgery. In addition to formal matters and handover of the hardware the sound processor (SP) was adjusted - the main reason for an activation appointment. For each of the 12 channels I should indicate as soon as the sound is too quiet and when it is in the comfortable range. The upper limit was not determined. A subsequent hearing test only with the CI showed 20% speech inteligibility at 65dB and 40% at 80dB. Tone audiogram with CI is between 45dB and 70dB so the result of the speech audiogram is understandable. Based on my many years of experience understanding numbers is very good at 90%. There is no residual hearing. Contrary to what has always been said voices do not sound like Mickey Mouse but like Benjamin the Elephant - much too deep.

The first subjective impression is: With the combination of CI and hearing aid I understand better in a quiet environment straight away than with 2 hearing aids before the surgery. We have not measured whether this is actually the case. Understanding solely with CI is almost impossible.

But the sound surprised me. At home on my piano I was able to clearly assign the keys C1 (32Hz) to C6 (1045Hz) with the CI. “Sound” is something else but that would have been too much of a good thing. Above C6, I can hardly tell the key tones apart with CI. With the HA-ear it works wonderfully up to C7 (2090Hz), I hear nothing more above with HAs. Although I perceive the tones far into the bass range it is clearly too quiet. Especially compared to the ear with my HA. As a result low-frequency noises from the right are masked out from my brain since the left ear dominates.

It has definitely improved that my cat no longer sounds like a raven but miaows - just like a cat does :wink: However this disappears in the structure like that of a wind chime which I now hear permanently due to the CI.